Articles //

VFD Troubleshooting and preventive maintenance

Modern VFDs are designed to be reliable and the internal failures are led to minimum. Still problems outside of the drive contribute to a large number of drive failures and are a major cause of nuisance tripping. Fast troubleshooting and failure preventing are crucial for the modern manufacturing.

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09 Dec 2017 | 2

Industry 4.0

The fourth industrial revolution - intelligent and flexible production. Combining technological innovations from the field of robotics, artificial intelligence, sophisticated sensors, cloud computing, big data analytics and internet of things has evolved into Industry 4.0.

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29 Nov 2017

Internet of Things (IoT)

Smart factories, smart cities, predictive maintenance, remote monitoring, robots, intelligent TVs and refrigerators. Is it possible that all these things are united and have something in common? The answer is “Yes”, and this is the Internet of Things.

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18 Nov 2017